Checkpoint Containers by Alhariss information technology are complete person- & baggage screening solutions, based on a 20“ or 40“ container or other dimensions and sizes. Our screening solutions are relocatable and can be set up on demand.

The installed screening equipment is modular and can be adapted according to the end user’s requirements. For our checkpoint solutions we only use high end security scanners, such as the CONPASS SMART and baggage scanners of the BV range.


All checkpoint containers come as a complete screening solution, including all necessary subsystems to operate a comprehensive security checkpoint.


The combination of person scanners, bag scanners and trace detection systems offer the highest threat detection capability for our relocatable checkpoints.

Our checkpoint containers are 100% designed according to our end user’s requirements, with different configurations available.

We use special video security systems by AXIS and GeutebrĂĽck, in order to provide best coverage and analysis.


We offer different materials and models, according to the environment the container should be placed and the local requirements.


Our containers can be relocated and deployed on demand, wherever needed. The installation is fast and efficient.


We offer a wide range of combined person screening systems, such as CONPASS SMART body scanners, Terahertz scanners, and metal detectors.

Different models of BV security scanners can be integrated, from single view to dual view systems, with a wide range of tunnel sizes.


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